Henkka T. Blacksmith, Children of Bodom: “When you see us in a bar, come to talk!”

Interview | Интервью | Haastattelu

Waiting for upcoming Children of Bodom tour in Russia, Ukraine and Belarus CrimsonCrown spoke to bass player Henkka “T. Blacksmith” Seppälä about last album “Hexed”, new guitar player Daniel Freyberg, relations with the fans, and many more.

Henkka Blacksmith, Children of Bodom

“Hexed” and new songs

Let’s start from new album “Hexed” which was release in March 2019. What’s your emotions about it now? What was the band’s new achievements?

Henkka: Well. We did it like we have always done. We got riffs and ideas. We put them together to be a song. This time we managed to do 11 songs, which is more than we ever did for the record. It’s maybe the biggest difference *laughs*. The music is Children of Bodom. That’s what you can tell to the listeners or to the fans how it sounds like.

What’s your favourite song from “Hexed”?

Henkka: Maybe… Let it be “Platitudes and Barren Words”.

And what do you think about “This Road”?

Hennka: First it was not my favourite. But nowadays I really like it. Especially when we play it live. It’s fun. It’s quite different from traditional Children of Bodom songs.  

It seems like this song is very special for Alexi…

Henkka: Yeah… themewise, yes. But musically it’s a bit different stuff.

Alexi Laiho made big explanations about the songs from “Hexed” at Nuclear Blast Youtube channel [Watch the videos here: www.crimsoncrown.ru/2019/children-of-bodom-hexed/]. He also said that you are responsible for the art of the album. Tell us more about your idea and the picture.

Henkka: For a long time I wanted to have painting. Not something computer generated, but drown by hand. This time the guys were all up for painting. I showed them a few artists. And then we decided to go for Denis Forkas, Russian artist. We told him we wanted a purple cover with a reaper on it. We actually didn’t give him anything else. Then he showed us a few sketches. And next time he already had ready pretty cover. It was quite scary, but it worked out quite well.

Children of Bodom - Hexed cover
“Hexed” cover by Denis Forkas

And what was the story that the album was ready long before it was actually released? You weren’t sure it’s good enough, and needed more time, or what happened?

Henkka: No, we finalized it, and it was ready long time ago. And then we had to wait because the label needed more time to prepare the release. It was not a big deal.

“Hexed” tours in North America and Europe

Right after the release you went to North America with the tour. How was it?

Henkka: It was pretty cool. We spent like one month and a half in North America. It was fun like always. First of course it was tough to play new songs, but then when you get used of it it’s only fun.

And then in summer Children of Bodom didn’t play that many festivals, did you?

Henkka: Well, we played like 15 shows, almost every week-end. And we played three festival shows in Finland.

Children of Bodom in Russia

Soon Children of Bodom will come to Russia, Ukraine and Belarus. What’s your expectations?

Henkka: Well, there’s lots of cities we have never been before. And it’s always very-very exciting. With those cities you don’t have any expectations, you know. You are just looking forward to the places – cities, their history and culture, and so on. But we already played in Moscow, St.Petersburg, Minsk, Kiev, Krasnodar, Ekaterinburg. We have so much good memories, you know. Great crowds always. You can get one of the most intense crowds when you come over Russia. I’m really looking forward.

What are your brightest memories from previous Russian tours?

Henkka: The shows. We always remember the shows. Always crazy in Russia. Biggest shows are usually in Moscow and St.Petersburg. Surprising thing was last time when we were in Krasnodar. It was one of the best shows we ever did. We didn’t expect anything because we didn’t even know if people would show up. But it was super. And we had a day off in Krasnodar. And it was a super nice city. And then it was a really nice show. That was super nice experience.

You studied political history. Do you still follow this topic?

Henkka: As much as I can. Like a normal person.

Do you want to say your opinion about the political shit what politicians of Russia, Ukraine and other neighbor countries cause to normal people?

Henkka: I would rather not to speak about it. I’m just glad to come with Children of Bodom and play our music.

In North American tour the support band was Swallow the Sun. For upcoming Finnish tour it will be Bloodred Hourglass. Both bands are cool. Tell us how do you choose what bands will go with Children of Bodom to the tour?

Henkka: Well. The agents give us the suggestions. And then we choose what we like the best. That how it goes. Yes, this time for the Finnish tour we choose Brymir and Bloodred Hourglass. We don’t know them from before. But I’ve heard them, they are good, and I’m looking forward.

And can you name and recommend any other young Finnish bands?

Henkka: Well. I always say Lost Society, but they already been around quite long. They actually just did a tour in Russia, so maybe you already know them.

Yeah, probably quite many people know them. Ok, please tell us about Children of Bodom new guitar player Daniel Freyberg.

Henkka: Well, Daniel… He is our friend from Helsinki. He is good guitar player, and he is super nice guy. He is very enthusiastic and motivated to play. It is very nice to have him in the band, to have a fresh pair of hands, and eyes, you know. He is super nice dude to have fun on the road.

Hanging out in the bars

Some fans hope to meet you, guys of Children of Bodom, at The Riff’s Hate Lounge. How often do you actually hang out there?

Henkka: Well… Actually, Daniel goes there quite a lot *laughs*. Me… not so often. I don’t know. Maybe once or twice a year.

And what about Lake Bodom Lager by Fat Lizard? It is still available?

Henkka: As far as I know it’s still available.

Only at The Riff? Or also in supermarkets?

Henkka: They should have plenty of it in the supermarkets. I’m sure they will keep on doing it as long as it is selling. On Fat Lizard website you can find the list of the stores.

Since it’s not so easy to meet you, guys, at The Riff, do you like to meet your fans at social media?

Meetings with Children of Bodom fans

Henkka: Well. I like when it’s arranged, like the arranged chats or something when people can talk to you. Those are really nice, and I would love if they do it more. And in the local bars, you know – it’s super nice to meet people. If there’s any time after the Russian shows, and if you see us in the bars – come to talk. It’s always nice to meet people and talk to them.

And what about you personally? Do you use Facebook, Instagram?

Henkka: I have my pages, but they are private and closed.

Some personal questions about music, fitness, and diet

And what do you think about this “new reality”? You record the albums, but people listen to streams and watch random videos on youtube. Do you count the views of Children of Bodom videos, or how is it going?

Henkka: Sometimes if I go and check out our video, then of course I see how many times it’s viewed. But I don’t really follow. Well. We just make music, and we let professionals to do all the rest.

And on the opposite side? Do you still listen to the albums, or do you prefer the streams?

Henkka: I like to buy vinyls. I listen to stream at Spotify. Once I like someone, I buy them on vinyl. That’s my strategy. Today I bought two vinyls of Cult of Luna.

In your recent interview I read you named Gojira. I checked them, and they are super cool, thanks.

Henkka: Wow, cool.

I know Children of Bodom almost 20 year. And all these years you look gorgeous. In one recent interview I read that it’s important for you to keep your body in good shape. What are your favorite activities indoor and outdoor?

Henkka: Swimming, yoga, football, jogging, biking. In winter – skiing.

You mentioned yoga. Do you like physical aspect, or do you also practice meditations?

Henkka: I mostly do physical part. Short meditations also happen.

Any special diet?

Henkka: I try not to eat any animals, or anything related to animals. I prefer vegan food if there’s possibility for it.

And what about alcohol?

Henkka: I love beer! *laughs*

Hah, cheers! And the last question. In Wikipedia it’s said that you speak several languages, and also Russian…

Henkka: No Russian language, I’m sorry. But see you all in Russia very soon! I’m really looking forward!

CrimsonCrown thanks The Motley Concerts for help with the interview. All information about upcoming Children of Bodom concerts in Russia, Ukraine and Belarus can be found here: www.cobhc.ru

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Хенкка Блэксмит, Children of Bodom: “Если вы видите нас в баре, подходите общаться!”

By Melamory, CrimsonCrown

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